CORE project: Report on Identification of young NEET adults’ needs

Recently, all five CORE partner countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, North Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia) carried out a comprehensive report on young adults Neither in Employment, Education and Training (NEETs). The report provides analysis of the state of play of NEETs in the project partner countries, including a summary of examples of good practice and recommendations for further development of the ProfilPASS and CORE-Toolkit. Read the report here.

The EU-funded project CORE (assessing COmpetences for REintegration) therefore addresses counsellors who work with disadvantaged young adults who are not in employment, education or training and who support them in the process of gaining awareness of their own competences. The aim of the project is to provide different aids for the counselling process specifically targeted to these disadvantaged young adults. Learn more about the CORE project at its official web site here.